Metro Memory
Challenge yourself to remember the stations of your city's metro.
How well do you think know your city?
The goal is simple. Type as many of the stations as you can remember, and see them pop up on the map. No time limit.
If you do well, there might be some involved.
What people say about Metro Memory
i still read the tube map even if i’m getting on for two stops no way i could do this
i’ve been sitting here doing this for over an hour my mind is blank now
Okay guys I won’t lie, since I got home I’ve haven’t stopped and I’m on 66% and I’m losing my mind rn
Solidly slightly below average
Did this on a long train journey with friends and got 57%. Helped by a man who overheard us struggling with one of the last stops on the Victoria line, got out his seat and said ‘Tottenham Hale’ - legend
Forget The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom - THIS is THE game of 2023...…
Currently obsessed
They talked about us
Britons go map-crazy, with geographical games and books becoming bestsellers | Maps | The Guardian
London tube game Metro Memory is a surprise hit, with geography books also finding favour with readers

Votre mission, si vous l'acceptez : retrouver les 309 stations de métro de Paris - Numerama
Des millions de personnes empruntent chaque jour le métro parisien. Mais, qui est vraiment capable de citer toutes les 309 stations de métro de Paris ...

The viral Underground map game with half a million fans
If friends or family have, in recent weeks, woken from a stupor screaming “Belsize Park!”, blame Tran Dinh: he is the creator of the Metro Memory Game...

Metro Memory Game: Tube station challenge becomes commuter hit
The Metro Memory Game, released on Friday, has already had over 100,000 plays.

Ce jeu vous défie de retrouver le maximum de stations de métro… de tête !
La règle est simple : vous devez renseigner – sans contrainte de temps – le maximum de stations que vous connaissez dans la barre de recherche.

Combien de stations du métro parisien pouvez-vous nommer de tête ? Ce jeu vous le dira ! - Paris Secret
Un petit jeu interactif a été conçu pour tester vos connaissances sur le métro parisien !

Metro Memory: El juego en boca de todos y que pone a prueba qué tanto sabes del Metro CDMX
Metro Memory es el juego que está quebrando cabezas de capitalinos, pues pone a prueba tus conocimientos sobre las estaciones de la CDMX.